Christianity Is Not… Pt. 2


Christianity is not entitled, nor does it allow someone to claim entitlement to anything over anyone else. Thinking so devalues the other person's humanity.



This word, and its variations, get thrown around a lot. And I mean a lot. Whole generations and groups of people are being labeled as such. You want this? You’re so entitled. You’re asking for that? That’s just a sense of entitlement. Entitlement, in its actual form, has no place within the Christian community, yet that’s the place we see it the most. You’re probably beginning to question where I’m going with this, and that’s good. It’s probably not where you thought initially. But, before we begin, let’s clearly define what we mean when we say entitlement.[note]at least as it pertains to this discussion[/note]

the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.[note]sauce[/note]

And who generally gets this accusation lobbed at them? Minorities (sexually or racially). The disabled. The poor.

Oh, you want to have your marriage recognized like mine? You’re so entitled.
Oh, you want to be able to afford your house and food? You’re so entitled.
Oh, you want to have access to the same things as me? You’re so entitled.
Oh, you want to use the bathroom that best reflects the gender you relate to? You’re so entitled.

Christianity is not


You wanna know the truth, though?

The people calling these people entitled are actually the entitled ones.

To state that my marriage has more significant than yours makes me entitled.
To state that I deserve to afford a place to live and food more than you makes me entitled.
To state that I deserve access to programs and various things more than you do makes me entitled.
To state that I deserve to feel safe and comfortable in my bathroom more than you do makes me entitled. 

When Group A tells Group B they don’t deserve the same things simply because they’re part of Group B, that is entitlement. Group A is saying they’re better than Group B and deserve special treatment. All Group B is asking for is the same. exact. things. Group A already has. That’s not entitlement. That’s respect. 

And, anytime a Christian in Group A tells anyone in Group B they don’t deserve something and won’t help, they’re denying Christ. Anytime a Christian says, “I don’t want to increase programs that benefit my fellow community members that need help,” they’re saying they are more deserving of whatever they have than anyone else. That they are, somehow, entitled to more than others. 

“Why should I give up my money to help someone else?” is a common question. Well, because that’s what Jesus asks you to do.

“And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’ (Matthew 25:45 NLT)

Anytime a Christian denies a program that will benefit those in need, they’re refusing to help Jesus.
Anytime a Christian places a restriction on a minority group, they’re refusing to help Jesus.

Christians who say all these groups asking to be treated with respect and dignity are entitled are acting as if they’re entitled to more.
They’re ignoring the words of Christ.

And let’s not forget the second greatest commandment

The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’* No other commandment is greater than these.” (Mark 12:31 NLT)

If you’re to love your neighbor as yourself, shouldn’t you want them to feel as important as you do? Shouldn’t you want them to feel like they can afford to live? Shouldn’t you want them to feel valued and respected? 

You see, programs that help people are not about entitlement for them. They’re about giving them basic. human. dignity. They say, “you’re not worth any less than I am.” Just because someone is in a different circumstance does not mean they deserve anything less than the best. Saying that you deserve more than them for any reason is entitlement. That’s the disease within the Church[note]and arguably the U.S.[/note] today that we need to wake up to. Programs and laws that give people the same rights as everyone else are not programs and laws of entitlement or special privilege, they’re programs and laws of respect and dignity. That’s what we owe each other as a community. Programs and laws that deny people the same basic needs and rights as others are entitlement. Christians should have no part in them. 

Nick Scarantino