
Never one to simply accept things as they are, Nick has always questioned  the status quo. This curiosity and quest for answers has led him to research a variety of cultural and faith-based issues. He approaches his research from historical, cultural, and literary perspectives, and often provides a dissenting viewpoint on faith-based issues from mainstream faith writers. Progressive and inquisitive by nature, Nick doesn’t stray from difficult discussions or truths, and often provides a new understanding that readers may not have previously known.

Standing with MLKj Pt. 2

Standing with MLKj is something that many would say they do, but how many of us actually do it in practice, especially when fighting for our beliefs?

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Standing with MLKj Pt.1

Standing with MLKj is something that many would say they do, but how many of us actually do it in practice, especially when fighting for our beliefs?

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Matthew 5

Matthew 5 is a well-known verse addressing turning the other cheek. It’s commonly used to say to forgive people without retaliation… but is that right?

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