
Never one to simply accept things as they are, Nick has always questioned  the status quo. This curiosity and quest for answers has led him to research a variety of cultural and faith-based issues. He approaches his research from historical, cultural, and literary perspectives, and often provides a dissenting viewpoint on faith-based issues from mainstream faith writers. Progressive and inquisitive by nature, Nick doesn’t stray from difficult discussions or truths, and often provides a new understanding that readers may not have previously known.

The Myth of the Gay Christian

While it is possible to be gay and Christian, identifying as a gay Christian puts your faith on the backburner, making your sexual identity more prominent.

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Heroes and Monsters

Heroes and Monsters is a memoir-esque book that looks over the author’s life and recounts how he, and everyone else, are both good and bad.

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Why We Need to Stop Coming Out

Nobody should ever have to “come out.” There should never be a point in one’s life when they sit there, afraid to tell their parents/friends that they…

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The Search to Belong

The Search to Belong discusses the varying spaces in which we allow people to connect with us, and the dangers of forcing people into too much intimacy.

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In the Name of Jesus

In the Name of Jesus

In the Name of Jesus makes the case that the role of the Christian leader is not to be popular and relevant, but I disagree, seeing that view as harmful.

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