
Never one to simply accept things as they are, Nick has always questioned  the status quo. This curiosity and quest for answers has led him to research a variety of cultural and faith-based issues. He approaches his research from historical, cultural, and literary perspectives, and often provides a dissenting viewpoint on faith-based issues from mainstream faith writers. Progressive and inquisitive by nature, Nick doesn’t stray from difficult discussions or truths, and often provides a new understanding that readers may not have previously known.

On Hell

I conclude my discussion on hell with a brief overview of all the views, and bring the most fitting (historically and Biblically) parts of each into one.

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Four Views on Hell

Four views on hell are presented by different theologians, and we spent a minute dissecting each of them for their strengths.

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Scars in Eternity

Will we bear our scars, be they emotional or physical, in eternity? Just HOW new will everything be made? Does Jesus still have his holes?

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Snapchat Theology

Snapchat Theology

Snapchat theology is about forgiveness, a reminder that nobody is perfct perfect, and what it means to be human.

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